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AI Powering a Greener ICT | Huawei Global Digital Power Summit Held Successfully

Mar 4, 2025


[Barcelona, Spain, March 3, 2025] Huawei Global Digital Power Summit was held at MWC 2025 with the theme of "AI Powering a Greener ICT." Operators, leading enterprises, industry leaders, and industry experts from around the world attended the event to share their cutting-edge viewpoints and insights, exploring new development opportunities in the era of All Intelligence.


 Charles Yang, Senior Vice President of Huawei and President of Global Marketing, Sales and Services, Huawei Digital Power


At the event, Charles Yang, Senior Vice President of Huawei and President of Global Marketing, Sales and Services, Huawei Digital Power, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Empowering Operator Success in the Global Transition to Carbon Neutrality." He stressed that the world has made significant achievements in carbon emissions reduction over the past few years, but the climate crisis remains a major challenge for humankind. The total carbon emissions of the telecom industry are about 600 million tons, accounting for 2% of the global total. In the journey to carbon neutrality, telecom operators are facing three major challenges: increased emissions, high energy consumption, and rising energy costs. Huawei Digital Power integrates digital and power electronics technologies to provide all-scenario low-carbon solutions, helping them transform from energy consumers to energy producers and enablers.

According to Charles Yang, a number of mainstream operators around the world have not only saved energy and reduced carbon emissions, but also cut their energy OPEX with the help of Huawei. They also participated in the electricity market through virtual power plants (VPPs) to gain extra benefits and find the "second curve" of business growth. In Pakistan, Huawei provided a PV plus energy storage system (ESS) solution to help customers replace gensets with PV power systems, reducing the fuel consumption per site by 96%. The green transformation of 1000 sites is expected to cut the energy OPEX by 38%. In the Czech Republic, Huawei helps operators extend the backup time and increase revenue by participating electricity market based on the same site ESS. In Finland, Huawei has helped a telecom operator aggregate ESSs at telecom sites and in residential, commercial, and industrial scenarios to participate in frequency response services in the electricity market, significantly boosting the revenue. In China's Inner Mongolia, Huawei proposed its subsystem decoupling solution to upgrade an AI data center, helping the customer roll out large language model services rapidly.

According to Charles Yang, Huawei Digital Power has helped customers in the ICT industry generate 2.28 billion kWh of green power and save 81.6 billion kWh of electricity, equivalent to reducing carbon emissions by 39.86 million tons and planting 54.46 million trees.

Building Resilient, Green, and Reliable Sites

Michel FRAISSE, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Site Power Domain, Huawei Digital Power Europe, stated that along with network development, operators are facing challenges such as contradiction between business development and surging energy consumption, service interruption due to site power outages, and increased environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks caused by unreliable power facilities. Therefore, sustainability and reliability should be the top consideration for deploying site power facilities.


Michel FRAISSE, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Site Power Domain, Huawei Digital Power Europe


Huawei has launched a unique Single SitePower solution, which implements intelligent synergy among site power facilities, wireless networks, and power grids, and supports 10-year evolution by one-off deployment. The solution helps operators build site power facilities that are resilient, green, and reliable.

Building Reliable AI Data Centers to Power the Digital Era Forward

Sanjay Kumar Sainani, Global Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Huawei Digital Power, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Building Intelligent Computing Facilities to Power the Digital Era Forward." He stated that, AI applications are becoming increasingly popular, creating huge opportunities for data center construction while presenting challenges on reliability, uncertainty, and high power density. Huawei proposes three guidelines for constructing AI data centers: Reliable, Agile, and Sustainable. Based on its powerful technical innovation capabilities, professional consulting and design capabilities, global partner ecosystem, and full-lifecycle professional services, Huawei has developed end-to-end AI data center solutions to help operators achieve greater success in the age of All Intelligence.


Sanjay Kumar Sainani, Global Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Huawei Digital Power


Two Lithium Battery White Papers Released

At the summit, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Huawei jointly released the White Paper on Lithium Batteries for Telecom Sites, the first of its kind in the world. The white paper advocates the use of "high-quality lithium batteries", requires that batteries offer excellent performance parameters, and emphasizes the importance of end-to-end safety system construction. Such a system should incorporate high-quality design, electrical, thermal, and mechanical protection, high-quality testing, certification, production, manufacturing, and delivery, and full-lifecycle management. Moreover, the white paper analyzes the safety issues of lithium batteries in telecom sites, shares the global latest research results and best practices in lithium battery safety, and provides guidelines for promoting the safe, reliable, and efficient application of lithium batteries in the telecom industry.


the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Huawei jointly released the White Paper on Lithium Batteries for Telecom Sites


The Data Center Lithium-ion Battery Safety Application White Paper was also released at the event to promote the standardized and large-scale application of lithium-ion batteries in the data center industry and to build a robust defense line for the stable operation of data centers. The white paper points out that data centers should use lithium-iron phosphate batteries and proposes technical requirements to enhance the inherent safety of the lithium-iron batteries. Lithium-ion batteries should be deployed in a remote location independent of the data center building. If the batteries have to be deployed in the data center building, an automatic fire extinguishing system that adopts the water sprinkling, mist, or spray design must be in place to maximize the reliability of the data center.

Reyna úbeda, Engineer to ITU-T SG5: Environment, EMF, Climate Action and Circular Economy, stated that, the standardization sector of the International Telecommunication Union is developing standards to enable environmental efficiency in the ICT sector. High-quality and Safe Lithium Batteries are important to enable more efficient energy storage and usage in telecom sites, thereby reducing the overall carbon footprint of ICT operations.

A new age of All Intelligence is coming fast, with AI applications and numerous intelligent scenarios presenting new opportunities and challenges in energy consumption, while creating a great development prospect for the global ICT industry. Huawei Digital Power will continuously invest in innovation and work with global like-minded partners to create new business value and build a better, greener future.