Data Center Infrastructure Management System


For medium- and large-sized DCs, prefabricated outdoor DCs, and micro- and small-sized DCs

Digital visualization

AI energy efficiency optimization

Automatic O&M

Smart operations

Digital Visualization

Global visibility, building an smart digital foundation

01. 3D view 02. Dashboard
01. 3D view

3D views of cabinets, modules, and campuses

02. Dashboard

Unified management of multiple DCs based on customer scenarios, using 3D digital technologies to improve monitoring and management efficiency

AI Energy Efficiency Optimization

AI model training + AI data inference, enabling optimal cooling system operation

01. Energy efficiency diagnosis 02. Accurate PUE prediction
01. Energy efficiency diagnosis

Dynamic optimization powered by AI algorithms, adjusting the system to the optimal state quickly

02. Accurate PUE prediction

Accurate energy efficiency prediction powered by deep neural network algorithms, achieving up to 99.5% accuracy

Automatic O&M

Automatic O&M AI-powered collaboration between iPower and iManager, achieving autonomous driving of data centers

Smart Operations

Intelligent space, power, and cooling synergy, improving resource usage by 20%+

01. Intelligent planning of SPC resources 02. Automatic asset audit
01. Intelligent planning of SPC resources

Fast allocation of cabinet space, power supply, cooling, and other resources, maximizing resource usage and business benefits

02. Automatic asset audit

Automactic audit of asset status and growth, avoiding idle assets

Success Stories