Strona domowa Sustainability Management System

Sustainability Management System

Huawei Digital Power's Sustainability Management System Framework

Huawei Digital Power CSD Committee Responsibility and Function

To promote the smooth and orderly progress of the company's sustainable development governance, we have established the sustainable development management system. At the company level, we set up the CSD Committee to guide business organizations of the company at all levels to set sustainable development goals based on the four strategies of CSD, and to promote the steady implementation of the goals.

Minister of Quality and Process IT Management Department, serves as the director of our CSD Committee, which consists of more than 10 senior executives from various departments, including human resources (HR), R&D, procurement, manufacturing, supply, legal affairs, marketing, services, and strategy. CSD Committee operates on a quarterly basis, and holds theme meetings as needed to conduct collective discussions and make decisions on issues related to sustainable development. The CSD Working Group is set up under the CSD Committee, which is responsible for supporting the operation of the CSD Committee, the implementation of strategic goals, and the preparation and publication of the CSD annual report.

Huawei Digital Power CSD Committee

  • Develops corporate-level sustainability strategies, general principles, objectives, guidelines, and policies; direction guiding; and implementation monitoring.
  • Coordinates the establishment, implementation, and continuous improvement of the sustainability management system; decides on sustainability related matters; and ensures that sustainability management complies with relevant laws and regulations, international standards, and customer requirements.
  • Facilitates sustainability-related communication with key stakeholders such as customers, regulators, and industry organizations.
  • Drives the resolution of sustainability issues across domains or processes and facilitates end-to-end operation collaboration of CSD business.

Huawei Digital Power CSD Working Group

  • Supports CSD Committee operations and reports to the Committee on the work performance.
  • Provides support for the organization and formulation of CSD work plans for relevant departments, and integrating CSD strategic requirements into departmental business.
  • Carries out the tasks assigned by the Committee, and provides timely feedback.
  • Organizes and submits information and prepares the CSD annual report.