China Mobile (Shaanxi) delivers nearly 1000 data center racks within six months and implements natural cooling for 10 months each year with Huawei FusionDC solution

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Following the fast deployment of information infrastructure for 5G, cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), and AI, carriers are driving the transformation of the digital economy.
Carriers are capitalizing on their strengths in computing and networking to build secure, green, and low-carbon data centers that deliver high computing power.
Standard data centers built by carriers provide comprehensive B2B services such as server hosting, leasing, and other value-added services.
Equipment rooms accommodate ICT equipment for carriers.
Normally, large data centers are planned and built in one go. The lack of phased deployment results in high CAPEX and risks.
Government policies promote green and sustainable data center development. Regulatory compliance will be a primary consideration in data center construction, capacity expansion, and modernization.
Facilities must be secure and stable to assure the security of data housed in data centers. Plus, service continuity is a top priority for colocation data centers.
Data centers are growing in scale, managing exponentially more data. Data and services are converging. As a result, it is difficult to operate and maintain the many complex facilities.
Prefabricated modular data centers, no building from scratch.
TTM is 6 months instead of 2 years, faster service rollout.
95% prefabricated, 80% of materials can be recycled.
97.8% end-to-end power supply efficiency.
40% smaller footprint
10-year service life for lithium batteries, taking up three times less space than lead-acid batteries.
Each battery is equipped with an independent fire extinguisher.
The indirect evaporative cooling system capitalizes on natural cooling sources, saving energy and water.
Delivery is twice as fast thanks to the "one system per container" design.
The AI-based cooling system reduces data center energy consumption by 3%–15%.
Real-time monitoring of one or multiple data centers.
All links are visible, manageable, and controllable.
20% higher utilization of rack, cooling, and power resources.
35% cheaper O&M thanks to AI-based intelligent inspection and predictive maintenance.
Government policies promote green and sustainable data center development. Regulatory compliance will be a primary consideration in ICT facility construction, capacity expansion, and modernization.
Facilities must be secure and stable to assure the security of data housed in data centers. Service continuity is a top priority for carriers' service systems.
ICT facilities are fundamental to carrier network modernization and digital transformation. It is difficult to operate and maintain the many complex facilities.
UPS5000-H: up to 99% efficiency in S-ECO mode and 0 ms transfer.
3 U 100 kVA power modules: half the footprint.
Lithium batteries: 10-year service life, three times less space than lead-acid batteries.
Each battery is equipped with an independent fire extinguisher.
On-demand capacity expansion thanks to the smart modular design.
Annual PUE as low as 1.111 in Beijing.
In-row air conditioners for high-density deployment, delivering close-coupled cooling and using natural cooling sources if equipped with refrigerant pumps.
Pre-installed, integrated, and tested in the factory.
Quick onsite deployment.
Can be deployed anywhere — in factories, warehouses, parking lots, or even on rooftops.
Real-time monitoring of one or multiple data centers.
All links are visible, manageable, and controllable.
20% higher utilization of rack, cooling, and power resources.
35% cheaper O&M thanks to AI-based intelligent inspection and predictive maintenance.
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