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この度、弊社の製品を採用したモデルケースを紹介するために、『再生建築 x 再生可能エネルギーの相乗効果でグリーン社会を創る 』というタイトルで実績の動画をYouTubeにて公開されましたのでお知らせします。
System Configuration:6KTL-L1+LUNA2000 10-S0, COD:May, 2021, Distributor:Wattkraft
A China Mobile site in Beijing was reconstructed by using the third-generation 12 kW smart blade power system and deploying a PV system.
Logan can save 760,000 kWh of electricity a year, which is equivalent to a reduction of 361 tons of carbon emissions with Huawei FusionModule2000
DriveONE Intelligent 4-wheel Drive 0-100km/h Acceleration:3.5s 750V High Voltage Platform AI Flash Charging