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ホーム > 成功事例 > 基地局電源

One Site One Blade Solution to Replace Indoor Room with Pole in China

A China Mobile site in Beijing was reconstructed by using the third-generation 12 kW smart blade power system and deploying a PV system. The original energy-consuming shelter is transformed into a simpler and greener pole site with 12 kW large capacity and 97% high efficiency. Features such as AI-based peak staggering, intelligent peak shaving, intelligent measurement, energy slicing, and intelligent voltage boosting were implemented. These features eliminate manual maintenance, reduce OPEX, and greatly reduce energy consumption, achieving green power generation and efficient power consumption. After the reconstruction, the electricity fee was reduced by USD$1,800, and the carbon emission was cut by 6 tons per year, realizing 5G deployment without adding energy OPEX.


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